Dr. Joseph Dimitrov
Prof. Dr. Joseph Dimitrov
Président de la faculté
Cours et matières enseignés
Bible : Romains et Galates, Corinthiens, Herméneutique, Méthodes d'étude de la Bible, Ephésiens : Exposition et construction de sermons, Livre des Actes, Théologie : Christologie et sotériologie, ecclésiologie, anthropologie/angélologie/hamartiologie, eschatologie, théologie historique, langues bibliques : Grec du Nouveau Testament I-A, I-B, Première épître de Jean en grec, Principes d'exégèse grecque, Études de la Septante, Histoire : Histoire de l'Église II, Éducation générale : Aptitudes à l'étude, apologétique, philosophie des religions, méthodes de recherche théologique.
Principaux domaines de recherche et de compétence
Nouveau Testament, Théologie historique
B.S., M.S, B.A., M.A., Ph.D.
B.S. and M.S. in Civil Engineering, Sofia Technical University, Sofia, Bulgaria, 1982-1987. Postgraduate Studies in Intellectual Property Management and Law, Sofia Technical University, Sofia, Bulgaria, 1987-1989.
B.A. in Bible and Theology, Continental Theological Seminary, Brussels, Belgium. 1989-1994. M.A. in Bible and Theology, Continental Theological Seminary, Brussels, Belgium. 1994-1996. Ph.D. in Historical Theology, First Minor in New Testament, Second Minor in Practical Theology, Evangelische Theologische Faculteit, Leuven, Belgium, 1996-2002.
Expérience académique
Professeur de Nouveau Testament et d'Histoire, Continental Theological Seminary, Brussels, Belgium. 1994-present.
Doyen Académique, Continental Theological Seminary, Brussels, Belgium, 1999-2006.
Vice-Président de l'Éducation, Continental Theological Seminary, Brussels, 2006-2008.
J. Philip Hogan Chaire et professeur invité à Evangel University/Assemblies of God Theological Seminary, Springfield, MO., USA, 2013-present.
Président de la Commission théologique de la Communauté mondiale des Assemblées de Dieu, 2010-present.
Expérience professionnelle
Ministère de la jeunesse et pastoral 1987-1989.
Président de la faculté de théologie pentecôtiste, Sofia, Bulgarie. 1995-2002.
Recteur du Continental Theological Seminary, Brussels, 2008-present.
Ministre ordonné, Fédération évangélique belge francophone, 2001.
Dimitrov, Joseph. “To What Extent, if Any, Is the Holy Spirit at Work in Other Religions.” Position Paper for the World Assemblies of God Fellowship. January 2020. Chairing the WAGF Theological Commission.
Dimitrov, Joseph. “The Theological Issues of Hyper-Grace Teaching.” Position Paper for the World Assemblies of God Fellowship, April 2018. Chairing the WAGF Theological Commission.
Dimitrov, Joseph. “Redefinition of Marriage and Human Sexuality.” Position Paper for the World Assemblies of God Fellowship, April 2017. Chairing the WAGF Theological Commission.
Dimitrov, Joseph. “Is Evangelism Intolerant?” Enrichment Magazine, 2014.
Dimitrov, Joseph. “God’s Image in Man Put Against Christ, the Primal Image: Paul’s Foundation for the Believers’ Renewal in Colossians 3:10 and Ephesians 4:23-24,” Encounter: Journal for Pentecostal Ministry, Vol. 11, Summer 2014.
Dimitrov, Joseph. “The Spirit of the Lord or the Lord of the Spirit: European Pentecostal Theological Implications Seen through Luke’s Theological Scheme of the Jordan Baptism Event,” Encounter: Journal for Pentecostal Ministry, Vol. 11, Summer 2014.
Dimitrov, Joseph. “Results Outgrowing the Vision: Early Assemblies of God Missionary Endeavours in Europe.” J. Philip Hogan Chair of World Missions, Inaugural Lecture. Encounter: Journal for Pentecostal Ministry, Vol. 11, Summer 2014.
Dimitrov, Joseph. “Towards an Understanding of Pentecostal Identity: Case Study of European Pentecostal Traditions.” Assemblies of God Theological Seminary, Springfield, MO., December 2013.
Dimitrov, Joseph. “The Essential Nature of the Church as the Missional People of God as Reflected in Pentecostal Self-Understanding.” Position Paper for the World Assemblies of God, June 2013. Chairing the WAGF Theological Commission.
Dimitrov, Joseph. “Towards a Pentecostal Theology of Compassion.” Position Paper for the World Assemblies of God Fellowship, February 2011. Chairing the WAGF Theological Commission.
Dimitrov, Joseph. “The Impact of the Pentecostal Experience and Educational Training in/for Ministry,” in A Biblical Theology of the Holy Spirit: Contemporary Issues in Theology, James E. Richardson, ed., Springfield, MO, USA: Global University, 2009.
Dimitrov, Joseph. Homiletics Drawn from the Well of the Early Reformation. Sint-Peters-Leeuw, Belgium: Continental Theological Seminary, 2017.
Dimitrov. Joseph. New Testament Open Bible. Bulgarian Edition. Sofia: ET Gospel, 2002. Head Translator and General Editor.
Dimitrov, Joseph. A Message from Corinth. Bourgas, Bulgaria: CMN Printing, 1998.
Dimitrov, Joseph. Bulgarian Open Bible, General Editor for the Old Testament books of the Minor Prophets and the book of Ruth.
Dimitrov, Joseph. “Pentecostalism in the Late Modern World,” panel member at the Continental Theological Seminary Annual Colloquium, Continental Theological Seminary, Sint-Pieters-Leeuw, Belgium, 5-7 February 2024.
Dimitrov, Joseph. “La philosophie des langues et les traductions des textes sacrés,” Presented at Emouna, Forum des Religions, Brussels, January 2024.
Dimitrov, Joseph. “Leading Theologically in Times of Crisis: How Does Spirituality Respond to Adversity?” Presented at an online theological conference, AGWM, Springfield MO, June 2020.
Dimitrov, Joseph. "The 'First' European Pentecostal Revival (1830-1834): The Supernatural, the Natural and the Theological." Presented at the annual theological colloquium at Continental Theological Seminary, Brussels, March 2019.
Dimitrov, Joseph. “John van Ruysbroeck: the 14th-Century Augustine of Flanders.” Presented at the annual colloquium at Continental Theological Seminary, Brussels, March 2018.
Dimitrov, Joseph. “Theological and Ministerial Training in the Changing Environment of Europe.” Presented at the World Assemblies of God Fellowship Conference, Amsterdam, February 2013.
Dimitrov, Joseph. “Strategies and Models for Formal and Informal Training of People for Missions.” Presented at the Council for World Missions, Cardiff, Wales, January 2010.
Dimitrov, Joseph. “Issues of Theological Education in Europe.” Presented at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, Charlotte Campus, Charlotte, NC., USA, March 2007.
Dimitrov, Joseph. “Exploration of the Pentecostal Experience Within the Context of Post-communist Bulgaria,” Presented at the 36th Colloquium of the Society for Pentecostal Studies, Lee University, Cleveland, TN., USA, March 2007.
Dimitrov, Joseph. “Bulgarian American Congregations: Cultural, Economic and Leadership Dimensions,” Presented at the 36th Colloquium of the Society for Pentecostal Studies, Lee University, Cleveland, TN., USA, March 2007.
Dimitrov, Joseph. “Changing Educational Structures and New Challenges before Pentecostal Theological Education in Europe.” Presented at the Evangel University, Springfield, Missouri, USA, February 2007.
Dimitrov, Joseph. “Birth and Early Historical and Theological Development of the Baptist Movement in Bulgaria.” Presented at the Doctoral Colloquium, ETF Leuven, Belgium, 2002.
Dimitrov, Joseph. “The Critical Role of the R.E.E.M. in the Formation and Development of Bulgarian Pentecostalism.” Presented at the Doctoral Colloquium, ETF Leuven, Belgium, September 2001.
Dimitrov, Joseph. “The Complementing Aspects of the Believer’s Renewal According to Col. 3:10 and Eph. 4:23-24.” Presented at the Doctoral Colloquium, ETF Leuven, Belgium, September 2000.
Dimitrov, Joseph. “The Use of the Substantive View of the Image of God in the Context of Guilt Feelings.” Presented at the Doctoral Colloquium, ETF Leuven, Belgium, September 1999.
Dimitrov, Joseph. “Standards for Student Development and Services: Relationship Between Student Development Programs and Services and the Institution’s Mission and Goal.” Presented at the Eurasia Bible School Conference, Budapest, Hungary, March 1997.
Membres académiques
European Pentecostal Theological Association, 1988-présent