Dr. David Trementozzi
Dean of Graduate Studies
Chair, Systematic Theology
Dr. David Trementozzi
Dean of Graduate Studies, Chair of Systematic Theology
Dean’s office (next to Faculty Suite)
BA (Messiah College)
MDiv in Practical Theology (Regent University)
PhD in Theology (Regent University)
Other Academic Experience:
Member of the Society for Pentecostal Studies
Member of the American Academy of Religion
Member of the European Pentecostal Theological Association
Trementozzi, David. Salvation in the Flesh: Understanding How Embodiment Shapes Christian
Faith. Eugene, OR: McMaster Divinity College Press, (forthcoming in 2017).
Renewing the Christian Doctrine of Salvation: Toward a Dynamic and
Transformational Soteriology. Dissertation (Regent University), May 2014. Bound copies held at
Regent University in Virginia Beach, VA.
Light for the Dark Night: Embracing a Heart of Holy Desperation.
Maitland, FL: Xulon Press, 2005.
The Way of the Thorn. Evergreen Press, Mobile: AL, 2002.
“John Newton” in Heroes of Faith in the Reformed Tradition, edited by
Stanley Burgess. Rome: Citta d’Nuova, December 2010. Pp. 275-276.
Book Review: Eldin Villafane, Beyond Cheap Grace: A Call to Radical Discipleship,
Incarnation, and Justice, in Religious Studies Review, 33:1 (January 2007), 41-42.
Book Review: Otis L. Fisher, The Role of the Spirit in the World and Life: How God is Immanent
in His Creation, in the Pneuma Review, 10:2 (Spring 2007), 70-72.
Book Review: Christopher J. H. Wright, Salvation Belongs to Our God: Celebrating the Bible’s
Central Story in Religious Studies Review, 35:2 (June 2009), 126-127.
Various Newspaper and Magazine Articles available on Linked In Profile: David Trementozzi.
Chair of Practical Theology and Christian Formation Session on topic Discipleship,
Theology, and Hermeneutics at the Society for Pentecostal Studies, Springfield,
Missouri, 6-8 March 2014.
“Pentecostal Orthopathos and Pneumatological Transformation” paper presented at The
Holy Spirit and the Christian Life Conference, Regent University, Feb. 28-Mar. 1, 2013.
“Utilizing Blackboard for Online Tutorial Instruction,” paper presented to the Kentucky
Community and Technical College System’s New Horizons Conference, Louisville,
Kentucky, 24-25 May 2010.
“Religion Through Worldviews: Understanding Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and
Buddhism Employing Basic Worldview Questions,” paper presented to the Kentucky
Community and Technical College System’s New Horizons Conference, Louisville,
Kentucky, 24-25 May 2010.
“A Pentecostal Reading of Karl Rahner’s Soteriology: Implications for the
Construction of a Dynamic Soteriology,” paper presented to the Society for Pentecostal
Studies, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, 13-15 March 2008.
Panelist, “Twentieth Century Perspectives Toward Creating a New Mind,” presented to
the Society for Pentecostal Studies, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, 13-15
March 2008.
Area of Main Research:
Pentecostal Theology, Pneumatology, Systematic Theology